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Column: Protect environment, culture, Pacific Remote Islands

This article is published in the Star Advertiser. By Jonee Peters and Mike Nakachi, Conservation Council for Hawai’i “The fish do not belong to one entity.” — Marjorie Ziegler (1956-2018) Anyone who had the privilege of working with Marjorie Ziegler…

Biden To Create New Marine Sanctuary In Pacific

This article was originally published in Civil Beat Hawaii congressman says “our world’s oceans are at mortal risk.” By Nathan Eagle / March 21, 2023 President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that he would expeditiously expand and increase environmental protections for…

Column: Atoll appears on school cafeteria wall

Originally published in The Garden Island By Dennis Fujimoto Mural aims to educate youth about importance of the oceans. PUHI—The Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School student wanted to know—are the teeth on the eel small and sharp? “Some of these students…

Column: Monument protections mean more fish

Originally published in Hawaiʻi Star Advertiser By Rick Gaffney Rick Gaffney is a former WESPAC council member, President of the Hawai‘i Fishing and Boating Association, and a Hawai‘i Island resident. One day in the late 1990s off Midway Island, a…

Column: Extending protections to ‘rest’ ocean

Originally published in Hawaiʻi Star Advertiser By Hanohano Naehu I am a born and raised Molokaʻi boy. I come from generations of native people who lived on this Hawaiian island as far back as creation. That means I’m guided by…

Column: Use origin names forPacific Remote Islands

By Hōkū Pihana Original Post at: An ‘A’a (brown-footed booby) soared across the deep ocean surrounding the Pacific Remote Islands. During my three-week journey aboard the exploration vessel Nautilus around Johnston Atoll (Kalama/Moku Kua‘au ‘o Ionatana), I saw ocean…

Editorial: More protection for remote isles

Originally published in Hawaiʻi Star Advertiser Gov. David Ige has joined a growing call to extend boundaries around atolls and reefs about 900 miles south of Hawaii, adding another 425,639 square miles of protection to the Pacific Remote Islands Marine…

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